1:1 womb Mentorship
A 4 month journey of unraveling into the truth of who you are.
A space to explore what it is to be Woman. To be witnessed in the woman you are, and the woman you are becoming. To learn to listen to and trust in the whispers of your womb to create a life beyond that of which you could have ever dreamed.
A space to remember the wisdom that lives within your flesh and bones, your womb and blood. To return to your cyclical nature as woman, in rhythm with the cyclical nature of the Earth. To remember who you are as a daughter of the Earth, and how to tend to and commune with your Earth Mother.
When we traverse into the depths of the womb, when we descend into our darkness and enter the mystery, this is where magic lies. This is where we find access to our true selves, our true feminine power, and universal Truth.
The womb is where we reclaim our feminine essence. Reclaim Womanhood.
It is from this space that we are connected to all life, all creation. It is from this space that we birth our children, our businesses, our relationships, our selves.
You are the medicine you crave, the healer you seek. Within your own hands, heart, and womb live all you desire.
Throughout this journey together, I will be your midwife as you move through the birth of the next evolution and expansion of your Woman.
Throughout our 4 months together, we can explore a range of topics and practices, potentially including and not limited to
* guided self-bodywork and touch
* sexuality and sexual expression
* creativity and creative expression
* conscious conception
* wild pregnancy and birth
* motherhood - preparation and embodiment
* nervous system regulation
* working with plant allies - physically, energetically, spiritually
* Earth connection
* menstrual cycle and fertility awareness
* body image
* food and nourishment
* female anatomy, physiology, hormones
Included in mentorship:
3 x 60 minute calls per month
Voice/text support through Signal app
Weekly prompts and home explorations
Investment: $850/month
Option to add on 1 womb continuum care session/month (for Colorado locals) or a 1 day in-person immersion during our time for total of $1100/month