Hi, I’m krista

My own journey with body, womb, and womanhood began from a place of deep disconnection and disempowerment. While operating under the lens of modern ‘feminism,’ I was unknowingly harboring a deep hatred and distrust of the Feminine. I felt trapped and unfairly subject to existing in the body of a woman, and quite frankly, dissatisfied with life as I knew it. What this truly was, was a lack of understanding of and connection to the mystery and magic of this life, and the undeniable role of Creator I held as a woman. 

In the throes of my darkest hours, I felt that if my current experience of life was all there was, I was simply not interested. I felt entirely lost and alone, and in sudden realization that I had no idea who I was or what it really felt like to be alive. I carried so much shame for my existence, had no capacity to be with - let alone express - my emotions, and considered myself void of any and all creativity, but carried a deep longing to feel connected, free, alive, and expressed.

I had this sense, beyond logic, beyond thought, but this deep body knowing - that there is more. More for me, more of me, more of life. And I was going to find it. This was my first taste of listening to the wisdom of my body, and it guided me in my descent into my womb, my pelvis, my pussy. And for the first time, here, I felt who I am.

After years of just going through the motions of my life and numbing out, I decided to take radical responsibility for myself, and to truly know myself for the first time. I let go of life as I had come to know it, got sober, got off 10 years of birth control, and went on a journey into my Self, beginning to learn the language of my womb and trust in her guidance.

As I walked this way, I began to realize it was not escaping my humanity that I craved, but embracing it. I began to explore what it meant to be in a body, a female body, what is womanhood, who am I as a woman. To create more space in my body for me to reside. I began to know myself intimately - my erotic essence, my creative spark, my adventurous spirit, my tender heart, my wounded child. I became intimate with my menstrual blood and cycle and started to live with, instead of against it. I began touching my own body, my breasts, belly, womb, and yoni with my own hands, and hearing and healing beyond what I knew possible.

Remembering in my bones that to be a woman is the greatest gift bestowed upon me changed my life and continues to every day. I am so humbled and honored to be a womb bearer on this Earth, to carry the creative potential for life within my body and to be so deeply and intimately connected to all life through this. It is my greatest devotion in this life to serve womanhood, to assist in the remembrance of the ancient ways, and to guide you back home to yourself as Woman.

I am here to serve the pulse within you that knows there is more, that yearns to experience life and yourself more fully, deeply, intimately. To call forth your radical aliveness and the instinctual, cyclical, wise ways of your Woman.